CS Executive Tax Laws MCQs Set-8-NEET Chemistry MCQS -NEET Chemistry MCQS -NEET Chemistry MCQS -Neet Online Test Series /Jan 2021(Biology) Sample Test,Sample questions

A sexual reproduction take place by only





Amniocentesis, chorionic villi and alpha-fetoprotein sampling are performed to determine_____.

1.The most likely date of birth of the foetus

2. Whether the baby will be normal or abnormal

3.Whether the mother has a genetic abnormality

4. A and B

Amongst honey bees, the workers are:

1. Female


3.Both females and males


An orchid flower resembles the shape of a female fly so as to be able to get pollinated .this is an example of





Apis dorsata is used to refer to

1. Little bee

2.Indian bee

3.European bee

4. Rock bee

 For how long does a worker bee live in the summer?

1. For 2 weeks

2. For 2 months

3.For 4 months

4.For 6 months

 Nature of honey is

1. Acidic



4.Turns basic after a few days

 The generic name of which of these is Apis?

1. Fish

2.Honey bee

3.Lac insect

4. Prawn

 The main difference between parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma is that

1. Parenchyma is involved in photosynthesis, secretion and storage

2. Collenchyma is involved in support and transportation of nutrients

3.Sclerenchyma is involved in support, protection, transportation of nutrients and water

4.All of these

Chloroplast of Chlamydomonas is 





Coenogametangia are gametangia with  

1.Multiple Gametes

2.Single Gametes



Honey is

1.Nectar of a flower

2.Nectar stored in the honey sac

3. Nectar mixed with saliva and stored in the honey sac

4.Nectar and water sucked by honey bee

In Rhizopus sexual fusion takes place between 

1.Two gametes

2.Two coenogametangia

3.Two hyphae

4.Two sporangia

The main purpose that the aerenchyma serves in Parenchyma is

1.Offers flexibility

2.Renders Buoyancy

3.Provides structural framework

4.Provides mechanical support

Nucleus is present only in eukaryotes. 



Parenchyma cells in the spongy mesophyll exhibit large intercellular spaces promoting:

1. To become nutrients for the future germinating embryo

2. Greater exposure to carbon dioxide

3.To distribute pressure evenly through the structure

4. No specific reason

Prion are

1.Proteins with 254 amino acids

2.Proteins with 254 amino kito acids

3.Proteins with 254 amino Hydro acids


Recently discovered  only proteinous  pathogenic particle is





Stanley Prusiner discovered 





The bee carries the pollen back to its colony on

1.Its body

2.Its middle legs

3.Its front legs

4.Its rear legs

The chief constituent of honey is





The development of a male bee (drone) takes how long?

1.16 days

2.19 days

3. 22 days

4.24 days

The fluid sample required for performing the Amniocentesis test is ________.

1.The amnion

2. The placenta

3.The liquid surrounding the immediate fetus

4.All of the above

The honey bee is of greatest use to mankind as:

1.It is of medicinal benefits

2.Helps in cross-pollination

3.We get honey from them

4.None of these

The tissue that provides maximum mechanical strength to the plant is

1. Xylem

2. Phloem



Vessels are found in

1.Most of the angiosperms and few gymnosperms

2. All angiosperms and some gymnosperms

3.All angiosperms, all gymnosperms and some pteridophytes

4. All pteridophytes

Which of the following is not associated with albugo ?

1.Asexual reproduction takes place by only zoospore .

2.It is obligate parasite.

3.It is parasitic on mustard.


Which of the following is not matched correctly ?

1.Cleviceps - Ascopore

2.Puccinia - Basidiospore

3.Trichoderma - Ascorpore


Which of the following tests cannot be examined by Amniocentesis procedure?

1. Chromosome analysis

2.Detecting genetic defects

3.Maturity of fetal lungs

4.None of these

Which of this is not a function that Parenchyma performs

1. Stores nutrients and food

2.Aids in regeneration, healing and repairs wounds

3.Provides foundation and support

4.None of these


  1. NEET 2021-2022 Exam Date
  2. Neet Online Test Series -Jan 2021(Biology)
  3. Test Series(Physics) Paper Set 1- neet 2021
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